Saturday, 2 July 2011

Esquire - Style and Substance

Esquire - Style and Substance

I thought that could happen only in my dreams.
Britain’s Best-dressed Real Man ...WOW!
Liverpool provides a wide range of hot men, don't you think so?


  1. Never really thought that we have so many stylish men here..Should have taken part in competition by the way =D

  2. Even so, I thought they already got the results! check them out
    or maybe even u can post them for me? =)

  3. hope to see you in their next competition :)!
    Yep, I KNOW! i even know the winners, just have no time to post them!
    But if you ask..I promise to do this todaY!

  4. me? in competition? ridiculous!=)
    thanks for posting, going to check it right now!
